Warranty provisions

Any reservations upon delivery of products related to missing parts, non-ordered parts or the condition of the package or product must be made within 48 hours after delivery by email to irrigationparts.eu. 

Appeal to any dispute or returns on the grounds this warranty provision do not suspend customer’s obligations regarding payment.  

Every product is covered by a warranty in case the product is unsuitable for uses indicated by irrigationparts.eu, either due to non-conformity or due to a malfunction stemming from flaws in design or manufacturing, or due to material defects. This warranty is valid for a period of twelve (12) months after the date of sale from irrigationparts.eu tot the end user, within a maximum term of 24 months after the date of selling to the customer. Only products with a production date of not more than four (4) years ago are covered by this warranty. 

The warranty does not apply if the defect is caused by: abnormal use, particularly in the case of overloading, faulty or overdue maintenance, unintended use or use other than specified in the instructions delivered with the product, using other components, improper storage (e.g. for rubber- or rubber to metal components), assembly which does not adhere to the instructions and specifications of irrigationparts.eu or the manufacturing company or conflicts with the rules of the trade. Furthermore, the guarantee does not apply to normal wear of products.  

This warranty is strictly limited to free replacement or reimbursement of products or parts which irrigationparts.eu has in writing acknowledged to be defective, excluding damages, regardless of their nature, particularly excluding any compensation for losses or damages of any nature. Depending on the case, irrigationparts.eu is free to choose between replacing or reimbursing the product for which defects have been acknowledged. Reimbursement is based on purchase price from irrigationparts.eu. Replacement under this warranty does not extend the original warranty. Costs of dismantling and reassembly of a product are not included in the warranty.  

In the case irrigationparts.eu accepts a guarantee request, postage will be paid by irrigationparts.eu on the basis of documented evidence. Beyond existing statutory regulations, irrigationparts.eu is not liable for: any damages caused by a product to other things, damages directly or indirectly caused by equipment or parts which are not invoiced, and/or other equipment or parts which are used to be part of a whole. In particular, irrigationparts.eu is not liable for defects in its components caused by adjacent or related components, or damages as a consequence hereof.  

Irrigationparts.eu is not liable for any intangible damages, such as loss of clientele, sales, production or profits, nor for degradation of image or for damages arising from third party claims to the customer or sentencing of the customer.  

However nature is limited per year to one hundred percent (100%) of turnover excluding VAT from this respective customer from the product that caused damages during for the last twelve (12) months before the date of the origination of these damages. 

Irrigationparts.eu reserves the right to change its warranty provisions regularly. Before a purchase the customer should check whether he or she is in possession of the then current  
warranty terms. 

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